Sunday 29 November 2015

天貓魔盒:在 KODI 安裝 Community Portal

安裝 KODI 後, 第一件事是必須安裝 Community Portal,因為 Community Portal 擁有幾乎應有的插件(add-on)

Community Portal 的前身是 TotalInstaller。

現在,我們開始安裝 Community Portal.


First, fire up KODI:

go to System>File Manager

click Add source :

Enter the path in the box below  "Enter the path or ..."
Type the following EXACTLY and select Done

Enter a name for this media Source & type Portal (or whatever you want to name it, but remember the name because we'll use it later ), I name it Portal. Click ok

Then click the home button (small house) back to home screen

Now click System>Add-ons

Select Install from zip and click Portal (the name you have given) > select and Wait for Add-on enabled notification (sometimes it is too fast to notice)

Now Select Install from repository >

Select noobsandnerds Repository > Program Add-ons > Community Portal > Install 

The Community Portal is downloading and install

You will see Enabled after success installation.

Now, on this screen, C on your keyboard, right click with a mouse, long press on touch screen devices or Menu button on your remote, a dialog box will pop-up, select configure

Here, you have to log-in with  your user name & password, and click "click here to check credentials" to unlock the full features of the Community Portal

Registration is free via

Your login credentials are now entered and saved. You can access The Community Portal via your PROGRAMS menu.

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